Energizing a sustainable future
ICENERGY INSTITUTE stands for Indonesia Climate and Energy Institute. ICENERGY Institute is a research organization.
Our team presents a team of experts that combines a solid experience in energy solution services, proven energy and climate research expertise, and extensive stakeholder engagement experience at the national and international levels.


Renewable Energy Consulting
We provide various consultations to develop renewable energy projects. These consultations include measuring renewable energy potential, designing renewable energy infrastructure, and selecting the best fitted renewable energy contractor. This work is mostly related to conducting Feasibility Study for renewable energy projects.

Energy Efficiency Consulting
We provide comprehensive services to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, including developing energy models and simulations to optimize energy use and reduce operational costs. Our services also involve GHG emissions calculations to help clients understand and minimize their carbon footprint, as well as assistance with preparing GRI Sustainability Reports to disclose environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. Additionally, we offer expert consultation and accredited auditing services for EDGE green building certification.

Energy Policy Research
We conduct energy policy research. The research topics cover renewable energy and fossil energy policy, energy efficiency policy, and Just Energy Transition. We also provide services of independent evaluation for energy and other climate-related projects or programs. Our broad network in Indonesia’s energy sector helps us to engage with various levels of stakeholders, which is very important in realizing effective policy research.
“National oil companies and fossil fuel subsidy regimes in transition: The case of Indonesia” Ichsan, M., Lockwood, M., and Ramadhani, R., 2022, The Extractive Industries and Society.
Proceeding paper
“Is cheap fuel policy a (short-term) remedy for costly transportation in rural Indonesia?”
Ichsan, M., Martak, Y.F., Ramadhani, M., Septyandrica, C.R. and Yusgiantoro, P., 2021.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
“More strategies for solar PV acceleration after pandemic”
Taufiqurrohman, I. and Ichsan, M. 2020.
In Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center
Newspaper article
“What COVID-19 teaches us about our biodiesel agenda?”
Ichsan, M. and Saputra, W. 2020.
The Jakarta Post
Proceeding paper
“The assessment of off-grid photovoltaic (PV) systems for rural electrification in Indonesia”,
Taufiqurrohman, I., 2018.
International Conference of Integrated Intellectual Community (ICONIC),
Our clients and partners

Interested in working with us as a consultant?

- +6285157745049
- admin@icenergyinstitute.com
Office Address:
AD Premier Office Park, 9th floor,
Jl. TB Simatupang No.5, RW.7, Ragunan, Kec. Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Jakarta Capital Special Region 12550